NIMA 2008

Tried and Tested

17 - 18 November 2008
Richill Presbyterian Church
Northern Ireland Ministry Assembly Header Image

The Third Northern Ireland Ministry Assembly

The aim of our annual assembly is to encourage preachers. We firmly believe that when the Bible is opened and taught faithfully and relevantly the voice of God is heard in a living and powerful way. We therefore seek to encourage those engaged in preaching to see the exacting work of expounding Scripture as the pressing need in today's church. While the assembly, therefore, is mainly for those in current full-time preaching ministries, others are very welcome, especially students, apprentices and spouses of Christian workers.


Peter Adam

Ridley College, Melbourne

Peter Adam is the Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia, where he leads the College, lectures in theology, mentors students, and preaches in Chapel. Peter was trained for the ministry at Ridley, and ordained in Melbourne. He has studied in England and lectured at St John's College, Durham, and was minister of St Jude's Carlton in Melbourne for 20 years.

Melvin Tinker

St John's Newland

Melvin Tinker is Vicar of St John's Newland in Hull, and Chairman of the Yorkshire Gospel Partnership and Director of Yorkshire Training. He read Theology at Oxford University following a career as a Biology teacher. He is a former chaplain to Keele University, speaker and writer whose books include: Why do bad things happen to good people?; Alien Nation, Body Beautiful; Road to Reality; Evangelical Concerns; Close Encounters; and Tales of the Unexpected.